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Savage - Every tools a hammer

There are few pleasures I now enjoy more than walking into and working out of a cleanshop. It’s the rare day I leave the shop in a state that’s less than perfectly clean. And yet, it still happens. I still run into days where the build was brutal, and I can’t stand to be there one more minute. Sometimes I still need to bolt, to put an end to a crappy day and just unplug. On those days, I don’t beat myself up about it. I try to face myself, but I’m also trying to be gentle in the process. Present me has a quiet conversation with future me and promises that this isn’t going to become a habit. The next day, a recharged future me usually responds that it’s okay from time to time to abandon your best-laid plans and just get out. It’s okay for you, too. In the world of making, there’s space for that. There’s space for all.