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The Scout Mindset

by Julia Galef

One of the books with a profound impact on my life. I started to pay closer attention to my thinking process, undiscovered biases and became more open to different ideas without feeling threatened. It is a work in progress.

The Stranger

by Albert Camus

I only reread a few books, but Meursault’s story is an exception - it captivated me since my first read, and I have read it several times now. I want to reread more of my favourite books in the next year.


Nick Bostrom

Helpful in building up my intuitions about superintelligent AI. It also introduced me to several concepts or ideas used in AI safety discussions repeatedly.


by Robert Sapolsky

What I found most valuable in reading the book was not the sheer volume of information but showing me how many aspects influence, often quite dramatically, how we see the world and make decisions.

What We Owe the Future

William MacAskill

I was aware of the longtermism philosophy before reading the book, so many topics were familiar - but not all of them. Moreover, I am glad there is now a book like this - for reference and to recommend to other people interested in the presented ideas.
